Punjab Rangers Teaching Hospital is striving to provide maximum health care facilities in the field of Otorhinolaryngology. The mission of the department is to provide latest surgical treatments to the patients and to teach innovative techniques to students.
Our Best Doctors provides the following ENT Services:-
1.     Examination of ENT patients and advice
2.     Routine ENT Surgery like, Aorsillotecomy
3.     Due to pollution and airborne irritants, chronic allergic rhino-sinusitis has become one of the most prevalent diseases in Pakistan and many patients  have had to go through Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS), which is the most advanced way of dealing with this condition. As the name implies, FESS gets rid of the disease, while preserving the functionality of the sinuses.

Audio-logical Services
A qualified team provides the following Audio-logical services:-
Pure Tone Audiometry (PTA)
Ear Syringing
Anterior Nasal Packing
Electric Cautery and Endoscopy

Faculty Members
Prof. Dr. Manzoor Ahmad, HOD
Prof. Brig (R) Nasir Ullah Khan
Dr. Jawaid Nadeem Butt (Senior Registrar)
Audiologist. Ahsan